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Your Home Improvement Company

Doubling the office close rate at Your Home Improvement Company

Your Home Improvement Company
Home Remodeling
Increased the office closing rate by 105%

Your Home Improvement Company, with locations across the northern United States, provides full-service remodeling, specializing in windows and bathrooms. With such a widespread service area, sales leadership needed to know sales reps were following the company’s 10-step sales presentation. Still, management couldn't be along on every sales call. Rilla offered a way for leadership to know what was happening during sales calls and use that information to improve closing rates and train up-and-coming sales reps on best practices.

Making the most of a proven pitch

“In today’s fast-paced sales environment, leads are very expensive. Profit is important. We want to make sure that we maximize both of those to their highest capabilities.” — Matt Kelley, Sales Manager, Your Home Improvement Company

With twenty years of experience in the industry, Your Home Improvement Company has devised an effective sales presentation. However, it was difficult to know if the sales reps were using it. “We all know that when you have your boss sitting right next to you, things don’t always go the way they’re supposed to,” says Kelley. 

Corporate Sales Trainer Matt Prestwood agrees, thinking back to his early days as a sales rep reporting back to his manager. “It was a crapshoot as to whether my perception of what happened in the home was the reality of what transpired with the homeowner the night before,” he says. “Often, I was doing a better job selling my sales manager the following morning as I was the homeowner the night before.”

Rilla separates Your Home Improvement Company from the competition

With Rilla, sales leadership can now zip through multiple calls during a day, gaining a better understanding of what’s taking place and how to provide the best guidance to their teams. “For example, if we have been talking about a pre-close here recently, I can use the keyword search function to find a particular word that I know will navigate me directly to the pre-close in the appointment,” says Prestwood. “I can determine in five minutes whether it was effectively done. Before Rilla, I would have had to listen to an entire three-hour presentation.” 

“Rilla brings a level of accountability to the process,” says Kelley, “As to how the sales reps handle themselves, their demeanor, and how they represent the company in the home. This allows us to get granular on each performance and guide them in the proper direction to increase sales.”

The results

Rilla allows leadership to use their time much more effectively. According to Prestwood, “We can do a ridealong in a matter of 15 to 20 minutes, which would have otherwise taken us up to three hours to complete.”

Kelley notes how much better his office is performing. “Before Rilla, we were struggling to hit our numbers,” he says. “Rilla has allowed us to hit our quota three out of the last four months that we’ve been using it.” He continues, “Rilla has allowed us to almost double our closing rate as well as increase our average sale by about 20%.” The sales reps are benefiting, too.

“One specific sales rep has doubled his income since we started using Rilla,” notes Kelley.

“Rilla has dramatically increased the income of all my sales reps. That increases the office’s overall volume. It allows me as a sales manager to hit my bonus structure, which makes me happier in the long run. If the sales reps are making money, they’re happy. If I’m making money, I’m happy. And if our office is performing, everybody above us in the corporate office is also happy.” He chuckles. “Rilla makes us a big happy family.”

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