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Kitchen Saver

Revolutionizing Sales Training and Management at KitchenSaver

Kitchen Saver
Home Services
Net Close Rate Increase by over 10%

In the competitive world of home improvement, KitchenSaver stands out not just for its quality but also for its commitment to innovation. Brett Cohen, the CEO and owner of KitchenSaver Maryland, and Nathan Snyder, the Sales Director, both recognized the need for a more efficient sales training process. Their collaboration with Rilla has since reshaped their sales training and management approach.

The challenges

Leading a company with a dispersed sales team, Brett and Nathan faced the challenge of ensuring consistent and effective training. Nathan recalls, "Making sure everyone received the same level of training was tough.

Ridealongs took up so much time, and sometimes I couldn’t even manage one for weeks." Traditional methods were proving to be inefficient.

Another concern was the introduction of a new tech tool. Nathan admits, "Most of the tech we bring in is process-based. But Rilla was different. It was a teaching, coaching, and team management tool unlike any other."

“Most of the tech we bring in is process-based. But Rilla was different. It was a teaching, coaching, and team management tool unlike any other.”

Nathan Snyder
Sales Director, KitchenSaver

Discovering Rilla

Brett, with his vision for KitchenSaver, was captivated by Rilla's potential. "The prospect of offering real-time feedback during a sales call, without being there, was revolutionary," he mentions.

Nathan, initially skeptical, was soon convinced. "From our first conversation with Rilla to going live, it took less than two weeks. The transition was smoother than any other tech we've adopted."

“From our first conversation with Rilla to going live, it took less than two weeks. The transition was smoother than any other tech we've adopted.”

Nathan Snyder
Sales Director, KitchenSaver

The "Big Brother" concerns

Introducing a new monitoring tool often brings about apprehensions of being constantly watched, a sentiment Nathan was well aware of. "The first thing that came to my mind is how am I gonna get the team to buy into this?

Everyone's gonna think that I'm just like big brother and all up in their business," Nathan shared. This "big brother" fear, common with new monitoring tools, can create a culture of mistrust.

However, Nathan's proactive approach in addressing these concerns made all the difference. He emphasized the tool's primary purpose: to enhance training and provide real-time feedback.

"Once they understood that nobody has the time to listen to everything going on, and that the focus was on improving training and feedback, their apprehensions eased," Nathan elaborated.

The transformation

With Rilla, the training paradigm shifted. Nathan's team saw a significant reduction in physical ridealongs, while Brett observed a consistent training quality.

Nathan elaborates, "We can now identify issues with a sales rep much earlier. And we've become more strategic with our ridealongs, focusing on specific training needs."

“We can now identify issues with a sales rep much earlier. And we've become more strategic with our ridealongs, focusing on specific training needs.”

Nathan Snyder
Sales Director, KitchenSaver

The results

The results were evident for both Brett and Nathan. Nathan shares, "Since Rilla's introduction, our net close rate increased by over 10%. The additional coaching opportunities have been a game-changer."

Brett noticed heightened team morale. "With regular feedback and training, our reps are more confident and better equipped.

“Since Rilla's introduction, our net close rate increased by over 10%. The additional coaching opportunities have been a game-changer.”
Nathan Snyder
Sales Director, KitchenSaver

The competitive edge

For those contemplating Rilla, Brett and Nathan's journey offers a blueprint. Nathan emphasizes, "Top home improvement companies are adopting Rilla. It's about enhancing the coaching and teaching of your salespeople."

Brett adds, "It's not just about leading the competition. It's about setting the industry standard."

For KitchenSaver, Rilla has been nothing short of transformative. Under Brett's leadership and Nathan's hands-on approach, the sales team is now better trained, more efficient, and ready to lead the way in the industry.

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