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Fox and Sons

More effective training leads to more five-star reviews at Fox and Sons

Fox and Sons
Home Services
Reduced training time by more than 80%, boosted the average close rate by 30%

Fox and Sons is a home services company offering plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical services in British Columbia. They built their company on five-star experiences, which means they're deeply invested in coaching. But the number of ridealongs needed to uphold their high level of service was becoming unmanageable, and reps didn't have a solid direction for improvement. 

The challenges

For Fox and Sons, customer service is everything. Owner Ted Fox wanted to rely on data to improve the customer experience, but the only way to do that properly was to be on a call with every technician every single time.

"The amount of ridealongs required to keep our level of customer service where it needed to be was just overwhelming," Ted said. "It didn't make business sense, and it didn't make practical sense."

Technicians like Alonso Oyarzun were only doing one or two ridealongs a week and were hungry for manager feedback. "We needed another avenue to help everyone do and be better," he said. Plumber Craig Viggars agreed: "It's nice to know that you're doing things well, but I feed off areas to improve, and getting that feedback is really helpful.”

The company had attempted to record sales calls in the past, but Ted admitted their efforts yielded poor results. 

"We'd have phones in our technician's pockets recording audio, but it didn’t give us information in a manageable, tangible, easily accessible location that automatically finds the spots we're looking for."

Rilla takes ridealongs up a notch

At Nexstar's Super Meeting 2023, Fox and Sons learned about Rilla, which was exactly what they wanted.

"After researching and discovering Rilla, I realized it was taking something we were currently doing—an audio ride along and physical ride along—and doing it in a much more technologically advanced and efficient manner," Ted explained.

Eliminating ridealongs would save time for their team, while the built-in AI made it easier to pick apart results.

Alonso was initially skeptical but quickly realized the impact it would have on his practice. "What turned me around was the stat tracking," he said. "You can scroll through your transcript, go straight to the yellow segments, and immediately see the areas where you can improve."

Better reviews, better sales

Rilla enabled the Fox and Sons team to create top-notch customer experiences.

"We've seen an increase in five-star reviews since using Rilla," Ted said. "I know our Rilla training was the reason why."

Rilla also improved the company's coaching efficiency, slashing review times by hours. "One hour of Rilla is equivalent to six hours of ridealongs the manager no longer has to do," Ted explained.

On-the-ground techs have also reaped the benefits. Alonso gets feedback up to three times a day, depending on how many jobs are run in a given week. "I would highly recommend trying Rilla,” he said. “It really does a good job analyzing to help improve stats where folks are struggling."

Today, Craig uses Rilla more than any other tech. "I spend hours after work trying to improve how I am with customers," he explained. That hard work shows in his sales: Craig has seen a dramatic increase in his closing rates. "I'd say I was sitting at around the 50–60% mark, and with Rilla, I'm at 70–80%," he says.

Fox and Sons has found the data they wanted at the scale they needed. Ted’s only regret? Not finding it sooner.

"If I could go back 10 years to when we were smaller, Rilla would've saved me oodles of grief. I would absolutely recommend it for companies both smaller and larger than me," he said.

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