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All-in-one software built for home and commercial contractors to keep all their service visits and construction projects running smoothly
  1. Increase your close rates: Bottom reps don’t perform as well as the top. Rilla’s AI identifies what your best are doing and coaches your whole team to be on that level, leading to a 40% average increase in close rates.
  2. Win back hours every day Ridealongs take up hours of your day, your techs are on their best behavior, and you can’t scale them up to a large team. With Rilla, you can coach every tech, every time, and do it 8x faster.
  3. Increase your average ticket Without visibility, who knows what techs are saying? When techs stick to the sales process, they sell bigger tickets. Gain visibility into 100% of your conversations and raise your ticket size by 17%.
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Save Time. Coach Better. Win More.